How to use Custom LUT in Final Cut Pro X

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Lookup Table (LUT) is a universal format that can be used by many professional authoring software including Apple’s Final Cut Pro X. Custom LUT feature is built-in on Final Cut Pro X. This eliminates the need to install any third party plugin for colour grading purpose.

Installing Custom LUT in Final CUT Pro X

Time needed: 1 minute

Adding your Custom LUT in Final Cut Pro X Library

  1. Go to the Effects Browser

    Select ‘Custom LUT’ from the effect browser. Can’t find it? Make sure you have selected ‘All Video and Audio’ effects, and type in ‘LUT’ in the search panel.Custom LUT in the effects panel Final Cut Pro X

  2. Apply Custom LUT on your footage.

    Simply drag and drop Custom LUT on top of your footage.Drag and Drop Custom LUT

  3. Add Your Custom LUT

    From the effects option, Click on the option that says ‘None’ by default, and select ‘Choose Custom LUT…’. You can also choose ‘Reveal in Finder’ if you would like to organise LUTs that you have previously added.Choose Custom LUT

  4. Navigate to your downloaded LUT

    A browser screen should pop-up like the example below. Simply navigate to the location you have downloaded your LUT and select the ENTIRE FOLDER which contains the entire LUT pack and click onOpen’. or Select an individual LUT if you would like to add a single LUT individually.Browse for Downloaded LUT

  5. That’s it! You’re done.

    You should be able to find your LUTs inside the Custom LUT selection browser. Hence, you may delete the download files since they all have been copied over in Final Cut. Let’s try to apply a LUT.Orange and Teal LUT on Final Cut Pro X

  6. Adjust the intensity

    Some LUTs may just be too strong for your footage but that is fine. In Final Cut, you can simply adjust the intensity of the LUT by adjusting the Mix value.Adjusting LUT intensity on Final Cut Pro X

  7. Stacking Multiple LUTs together

    There are number of reasons why you should stack multiple LUTs together. One is for creativity and two is when you shoot using a Log Profile. In this example, we have shot using Sony SLOG2. Before applying the orange and teal colour, we have applied a SLOG2 LUT. You can apply multiple LUTs together and get some interesting results.Stacking LUT on Final Cut Pro X

Extra Tips

Happy with your colour grade? It is easy to apply the same settings to your other footage. Simply copy the footage, go to your next footage and click on Edit > Paste Effects. This will paste all the effects from the clip that you have copied.

Helpful FAQs

I still can’t find Custom LUT effects in my Final Cut app.

Make sure you have updated to the latest version of Final Cut Pro X.

Updating the app is not an option for me. Is there any alternative?

You can download Custom LUT plugin for Final Cut. There are many of them. Here’s a free plugin called LUT Loader.



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